Monument Builders of Connecticut
It is the nature of our craft that families have little knowledge in selecting a fitting memorial for a loved one. We understand the emotional effects of losing a loved one. On top of choosing the correct material, proper design and letter style, the rules and regulations of each particular cemetery often dictate the choices. Rules often change from one cemetery to another and many times from one section to another in the same cemetery. You can be certain that your local monument company is familiar with the rules and regulations of each local cemetery.
Please feel free to call on any of our members at any time for any reason. Each member is dedicated to providing families with the answers to their memorial needs and when the time is right for the family, the knowledge and expertice to complete a fitting memorial.
Monument Builders of Connecticut is an association composed of Mom and Pop small businesses, members of your local community with the same concerns as you have. Please give them the chance to do their part.
