Farmington Valley Memorials
With a rock solid reputation of quality craftsmanship and respectful customer service, Farmington Valley Memorials specializes in assisting you in your selection of a memorial for your loved one. Choosing a memorial is a very personal and important decision. This decision can be another way to help honor the person you wish to remember. Although memorials are a daily part of our business, we understand that purchasing a monument can sometimes be overwhelming. Let our full memorial service help make the process of choosing a memorial easier for you. We hope in telling you about ourselves that we assist you to make a wiser, well-informed selection of your family memorial.
About Us
Farmington Valley Memorials specializes in assisting you in your selection of a custom memorial that meets your needs and preferences for your loved one. We offer a wide range of memorial style and design options. We are familiar with the rules and regulations of the local cemeteries and have had the pleasure of working with many other families of our community. Please take a moment to review our on-line portfolio.
In-Home Appointments Available Daily
We are available to meet with your in your home with a full memorial display on a laptop computer as well as catalogs of beautiful design options. Some families prefer to meet in the cemetery at their family grave site in order to assess the nearby memorial styles, sizes and colors.
All of the granite, marble and bronze memorials consist of the finest grades of quality materials. Modern manufacturing technologies are utilized to product the finest memorial art products. You will be treated with the highest professionalism, caring and courtesy as you make your decision on the lasting tribute for your family. We will meet to discuss the options and regulations for the particular cemetery. We will work together to create a design concept that is unique and meaningful to your family. There are numerous design shapes, sizes, colors, carving options, and lettering styles. We will keep any budgetary concerns in mind as well as future needs for the family. Once a specific design has been created, a drawing of the memorial will be provided to you for your review and approval prior to the actual carving. Once carved, the memorial is professionally installed at the cemetery for you.
Farmington Valley Memorials
PO Box 77
Avon CT 06001
Tel: 860 217-0420
